Free Charlie Wilson's War in Best Video Format
Now you can watch full Charlie Wilson's War in High Quality Video with duration 102 Min and has been launched in 2007-12-19 and MPAA rating is 87.- Original Title : Charlie Wilson's War
- Movie title in your country : Charlie Wilson's War
- Year of movie : 2007
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Drama, History,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2007-12-19
- Companies of movie : Universal Pictures, Participant Productions, Playtone Production,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : العربية, English, Pусский, اردو, עִבְרִית,
- Durationof movie : 102 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.2
- Youtube ID of movie : dvr1FvOnwfI
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,HU,TR,PT,FR,IT,EL,SV,ES,NL,DA,FI,CS,PL,RU,ZH,HE,RO,
- Cast of movie :Tom Hanks (Charlie Wilson), Philip Seymour Hoffman (Gust Avrakotos), Julia Roberts (Joanne Herring), Amy Adams (Bonnie Bach), Om Puri (President Zia), Shiri Appleby (Charlies Engel), John Slattery (Cravely), Rachel Nichols (Charlies Engel), Erick Avari (Avi Perlman), Cyia Batten (Stacey), Denis O'Hare (Harold Holt), Ned Beatty (Doc Long), Emily Blunt (Jane Liddle)
Movie plot of Charlie Wilson's War :
Full Streaming Charlie Wilson's War in Best Video Format with movie summary "A drama based on Texas congressman Charlie Wilson's covert dealings in Afghanistan, where his efforts to assist rebels in their war with the Soviets had some unforeseen and long-reaching effects." in HD video. Full Charlie Wilson's War in High Quality by viewing the download link.
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Director : Mike Nichols, Screenplay : Aaron Sorkin, Original Music Composer : James Newton Howard, Director of Photography : Stephen Goldblatt, Producer : Tom Hanks, Producer : Gary Goetzman, Executive Producer : Celia D. Costas, Editor : John Bloom, Editor : Antonia Van Drimmelen, Costume Design : Albert Wolsky
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